We committed to add value to business

To make a global impact on the society by enabling mid-sized organizations to run their supply chain better by expending technology enabled engineering solution and in the process, establish Svasti Innovation Labs as one of the most valued and trusted partners in supply chain and warehouse automation..

Svasti's Domain Expertise

An intense focus on innovation in automation across all stage of supply chain.The team has acquired deep knowledge and worked at each stage of supply chain and addressing every possible gap in the area.

Svasti's Technical Expertise

The best innovation teams have people with various skillsets and backgrounds who think and approach things differently.A cutting edge technolgy plays a significant role hence software and software stacks rule the business process.

"If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions."

—Albert Einstein

What we do?

Svasti Innovation labs apply a wide range of methods and tools to stimulate creativity, guide discussions, moderate collaboration, develop prototype and experiment solutions. Innovation is vital in the workplace because it gives companies an edge in penetrating markets faster and provides a better connections to develope markets and we will assist the SMEs in this journey.

What We Do


Software Product Development

We build products - Ideation, Definition, Prototyping, Design, Development, Continous Improvement, Commercialization etc.

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Software Project Execution

We execute projects - Analysis, Requirements, Estimates, Architecture, Design & Development, Verification & Validations, Go-Lives, Maintenance etc.

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Talent services

We provide talent services for long term and short terms - Technical Advisory, IT Architecture, Design Services & Resource Sharing

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What we Offer

We provide AI/ML technology enabled engineering solution to SMEs to simplify operations and establesh Svasti Innovation Labs as one of the most valued and trusted partners

SCaaS - Supply Chain as a Service

A complete SCM platform offered as SCaaS. Subscription based & Complete supply chain management platform.

Product Suit for Supply Chain

A list of products for stages of supply chain

Warehouse Automation

A bundle of AI and IoT based software to reduce operation cost and increase efficiency.

Virtual Assistant - Make day easy

Virtual Assistant - Make compliance & legal services easy.

Firmware Device - Smart Cart

Gives new age shopping experience & more transparency feeling to the customer.

New Age Tech for Retail and E-Commerce

New shopping experience and retail will be made easy.

Our Success Tranformation Story

How to grow world with Us

We have Agile embedded in our culture and we intensely follow Kanban for any projects under development in Svasti Labs.

We understand expectation of software behavior for different business models and accommodate the feedback of all stakeholders which is vital for the success of a project. Thus, we work sprint by sprint with real-time planning and efficient risk management. Here is what’s most important for us at Svasti Labs:

Daily Scrum

Time Control

Seamless Communication

Reports and Documentation

Svasti Labs

Virtual training systems

The common objective of all forms of customer training is to help them make the most of our product or service and have the best experience possible.

State of the art technology

Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are in a phase of technological transformation and Svasti Labs provides the state of the art technological solution.

Remote condition monitoring

Svasti Labs supports to monitor the system and continue to enhance the process for better stable system.

We are Providing great Services

svasti Labs offer the full spectrum of services to help SMEs / organizations work better. Everything from installation, configuration, creating access accounts and creating standards of excellence to training your people to work in more effective ways.

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